Saturday, June 03, 2006

I need poop!

Riley has made a new discovery. Whenever he makes the statement, "I need poop", Mommy or Daddy come running and rush him to the closest toilet. (He is doing very well at remembering to always do his poop on the potty!) He also has discovered though, that even if he really doesn't have to poop we still come running and he whisked away from whatever situation he finds himself in. He has decided to use this to his advantage. He often says it after he is in bed for the night. In the middle of the night last night he was crying so I went to him, he asked for milk and I said no, he said "please", I said "no" then, still half asleep he says, "I need poop". The little stinker. (I didn't fall for it this time.)

1 comment:

Bekah said...

You gotta love potty training.
You'll be so relieved when the diapers are just a faint memory...