Monday, August 28, 2006

Better Late Than Never

Last Thanksgiving Tyler was the ringbearer for Tiffany and Matt's wedding. I just got this picture this week and thought I should share it with everyone. He was 2 1/2 and did a great job!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I Married A Very Smart Man

Cory just found out his grades for this semester and they are:
A- in Civil Proceedure,
A- in Family Law,
A- in Major paper
(when I say major I really mean MAJOR! It was 50 something pages long and a lot of work. My most major paper ever was something like Sceince 10's 1000 word "essay". This was MUCH longer),
and he got an A in Evidence (that quite possibly is the best mark in the 50 person class).

Law school is not easy, try adding in 2 kids and a pregnant wife and it becomes even more difficult yet he manages to pull of grades in the top 15% or so of his class.
Amazing! I'm very proud of you Cory.

Craft Time with Daddy

Recently I've been working basically full-time and Cory's "vacation" from work and school has been spent doing a lot of parenting. He was running out of ideas of what to do so I suggested a little beading. That kept the boys busy for quite some time and produced many "beautiful" bracelets. Good job Cory, you are a great Daddy and there will be no more parenting by yourself for quite a while!

It's a GIRL!!!!

. . . . or a boy. We couldn't actually see what the gender is but here is our Little One's foot - it is about 1" long in this picture. Amazing! We had an ultrasound on Tuesday when I was 17 weeks and 3 days pregers. The technician said that it was too early to get all of the measurments that they usually take at 18 weeks as at this point every day makes a huge difference in the babe's size. The results they did get are that the baby was about 7 oz ( 1/2 lb), the placenta is up high where it should be, we saw two kidneys, a pumping heart, a stomach, the spine, lips, nose. . . . everything looked great that he could measure but he couldn't measure everything so we get to go for more ultrasounds in Winnipeg! (Oh, and Cory can't come with me to the appointment, anyone want to come with me???)
The one thing that they did find of minor concern is that the baby as a "two-vessel imbilical cord" (as opposed to the normal three-vessel cord). So far because everything else appeared to be great on the ultrasound it seems to have minor implications for us. Generally babies with the 2-vessel are born smaller than average (fine by me. . . Tyler was 7 lbs 9oz and Riley was 9 lbs 7oz and I was wondering how I was going to deliver an 11 lb babe), more 2-vessel babies are girls than boys (again, fine by me, there are many girls among our families who are praying for a girl) and most are born a little early of their due date. We will get a more detailed ultrasound in about two weeks (very likely to have the gender determined at this one) and then another ultrasound at about 32 weeks (December) to make sure that the little one is growing properly. All in all the midwife was pleased with the results and so we are too!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New Baby

Congratulations Sarah and Ben Kamp on the arrival of your precious new baby Adam! Welcome to the world of two boys very close in age to each other. . . you are about to experience many fun and tiring things!!!

Baby Update

Well, I haven't officially written on here that I am pregnant but most of you have probably got my hints (ie the baby ticker at the bottem of the page). I am about 4 months pregnant and due January 27, 2007. This little baby has been moving enough for me to feel for about the last 4 weeks or so and does (s)he ever move! It is very fun to feel again. At our last appointment the midwife had trouble keeping the heartbeat in the doppler because the baby kept wiggling everywhere. Next Tuesday is our ultrasound and yes if they are able to see we will get them to tell us the gender. We both think that it is probably another boy but who knows? I'll post the ultrasound pictures when I get them.

Tyler thinks that if the baby is a boy then we should name him Spongebob, if it is a girl then we should name her Mommy and if it is a lady we should name her Grandma. We haven't picked names yet but it sure was great to get this input!

My Favorite Game

. . . . more "I Love You Buddy". . . . what a treat to see our children loving each other!

New Park!

We are old pros at most of the parks in Saanich but we found a brand new one!!! Very exciting!!!

Bug Zoo

Yesturday we went to the Bug Zoo to see the bugs and spiders. It was fun.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Craft Time

Today Tyler made himself a frog puppet. He's quite proud of it!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Plastic Sea"

There is an interesting article, about how much plastic waste we produce, that I came across while reading Malcom Johnson's (a guy we've been priviledged to get to know a bit this summer) blog. . . you should read it.

So many fun things since my last post. . . .

. . . Papa and Nana came to visit and took us to the BC Museum. . .

. . . We went to Youbou (on Lake Cowichan) with our friends. . .

(yes, both of the boys jumped off of the diving board!!!!)

. . . We went to Beacon Hill Park with Rob, Lana, Cameron and Quadra. . .

(I also worked A LOT and our computer was in the shop so those are my excuses for not blogging for so long).