Saturday, August 26, 2006

I Married A Very Smart Man

Cory just found out his grades for this semester and they are:
A- in Civil Proceedure,
A- in Family Law,
A- in Major paper
(when I say major I really mean MAJOR! It was 50 something pages long and a lot of work. My most major paper ever was something like Sceince 10's 1000 word "essay". This was MUCH longer),
and he got an A in Evidence (that quite possibly is the best mark in the 50 person class).

Law school is not easy, try adding in 2 kids and a pregnant wife and it becomes even more difficult yet he manages to pull of grades in the top 15% or so of his class.
Amazing! I'm very proud of you Cory.


Amy said...

Good job Cory! That is awesome! Way to snag such an awesome guy Corinne!


James Kingsley said...

way to go cory. that's an A- effort from an A++ guy. awww shucks. way to go! we miss ya already here in vic. i feel dumber just not having you in the neighbourhood...