Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's a GIRL!!!!

. . . . or a boy. We couldn't actually see what the gender is but here is our Little One's foot - it is about 1" long in this picture. Amazing! We had an ultrasound on Tuesday when I was 17 weeks and 3 days pregers. The technician said that it was too early to get all of the measurments that they usually take at 18 weeks as at this point every day makes a huge difference in the babe's size. The results they did get are that the baby was about 7 oz ( 1/2 lb), the placenta is up high where it should be, we saw two kidneys, a pumping heart, a stomach, the spine, lips, nose. . . . everything looked great that he could measure but he couldn't measure everything so we get to go for more ultrasounds in Winnipeg! (Oh, and Cory can't come with me to the appointment, anyone want to come with me???)
The one thing that they did find of minor concern is that the baby as a "two-vessel imbilical cord" (as opposed to the normal three-vessel cord). So far because everything else appeared to be great on the ultrasound it seems to have minor implications for us. Generally babies with the 2-vessel are born smaller than average (fine by me. . . Tyler was 7 lbs 9oz and Riley was 9 lbs 7oz and I was wondering how I was going to deliver an 11 lb babe), more 2-vessel babies are girls than boys (again, fine by me, there are many girls among our families who are praying for a girl) and most are born a little early of their due date. We will get a more detailed ultrasound in about two weeks (very likely to have the gender determined at this one) and then another ultrasound at about 32 weeks (December) to make sure that the little one is growing properly. All in all the midwife was pleased with the results and so we are too!


jc said...

Hey Corinne & Cory,

Thanks for the comment you wrote on our blog back a while! Great to see you're doing well, and congrats on the new babe inside! This blogging thing is bringing me back in touch with all sorts of people from the past! Fun!


Amy said...

That is awesome Corinne. And I'll be thinking pink for you guys too!