Thursday, January 04, 2007

7 lbs 12 oz !!!!

I had another ultrasound yesturday and everything looks great. I will find out more details from the midwife on Tuesday but from what the ultrasound tech said our little guy is healthy and happy. He, however, looks to be weighing 7 lbs 12 oz already and they tend to gain about an oz a day from here on in so . . . . so much for a small baby! It's funny, when we first found out that he has a two-vessel embilical cord instead of three I did some research and found a few things consistant in almost all of the studies. . . babies with a two-vessel cord or more likely 1) to be girls than boys (ours is clearly a boy), 2) to be smaller than average in size (ours is NOT), and 3) to be born early. . . here's to hoping, I feel very ready to meet this little guy and hold him in my arms!

I think that I have a little bit of a nesting bug. . .yesturday I made 5 meals for the freezer and everytime I turn around I just want to clean something else. Mr.Clean Magic erasers can perform so much magic!!!! Anyways I should sleep while my boys are sleeping. . . .


Anonymous said...

I've been checking your blog lots lately... here's to an early baby! Also, the ultrasound good be off a little on the weight... it was great to catch up with you over the holidays. All the best with the new babe.

Amy said...

Ultrasound can be off - they told me that IF Owen was carried to full term (he was 12 days late) he would be over 10 lbs, and he was only 8lbs 9,5 oz. So don't worry.