Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why Blog?

I've been thinking about this recently. Why blog? Why read other people's blogs?

I really enjoy reading blogs from MANY different authors. . . my google reader has about 40 subscriptions and then there are all of the other private blogs too. . . I can spend a LOT of time reading, often the entire time that I have to be on the computer is spent reading blogs, instead of updating mine or staying up-to-date with emails or facebook.

I blog mostly so that our family, none of which lives in Victoria, can get glimpses into our lives and see pictures of the kids. I rarely blog if I don't have a picture to post. I read blogs for similar reasons. I enjoy "catching-up" with people that I went to high school with or knew at one point in life, I really enjoy "seeing" into their lives. I am excited as I read about wedding plans, new business opportunities, new adventures like moving across the country and watching babies grow in their mommy's tummies. I like to watch my friends' kids grow. I like knowing how I can pray specifically for friends old and new. I like laughing at funny stories. But I think that my favorite reason for reading blogs is that I feel like I view God differently because of the lessons that they share. I feel like I know God better because of the glimpse that I get into other people's lives. I know God because of how I have experienced Him but I "experience" God through their sharing and I am inspired.

Thank-you friends for blogging, for teaching me many lessons, for being honest and vulnerable. . . know that you are prayed for when you mention requests, that you are laughed with (and sometimes at) when you share funny stories, that I cry with you often when you are struggling. . . it is a unusual "community" and I don't think that it should in any way take over a real community of people but I really appreciate you all. . .writers and readers!


rachel joy said...

Great post. I'm glad to have found you in this unique little community. :)

The W's said...

I really appreciate this post Corinne. Since moving away from friends and family I have taken on a new appreciation for blogs. It's a huge way that I stay connected and feel like I'm still in touch with the everyday "going ons" of friends. I also read people's blogs that I don't really know. I too am encouraged and uplifted by so many people and the things they share. Thank you for sharing your life on your blog and for the encouragement you've shared. Thank you for opening up a new way of looking at blogging.

James Kingsley said...

great post cbar! there's something i find very refreshing about living our (family) lives as much in the open as possible... especially to the extent that it brings us all a little closer when we are together, and directs our thoughts and prayers when we're not.

you keep posting, and we'll keep reading. and, of course, vice versa!

Kristal Sawyer said...

Yes...I feel the same way...=)

Kirsten said...

Thanks Corinne! I agree. I have found this to be an amazing network. It doesn't diminish the importance of connecting and being real in our daily life, but I have really appreciated the ability to stay in contact with friends near and far, and lift my friends and family in prayer.

Heidi said...

absolutely! Great post. I definitely agree!