Thursday, October 04, 2007

New Tricks

Sawyer is 8 months old now and I've been struggling with getting him to eat any traditional "mushy" baby food, he just doesn't like it. Give him a whole apple and he is in his heaven! Silly kid!
Look what I can do!


natalie said...

Jude is the same way... he LOVES to eat whole apples and his all-time favourite is brocolli. Funny boys! I have been cooking a bunch of vegtables and then leaving them in the cut pieces in the fridge. Jude loves it. I give them to him cold. Sounds gross but he gobbles them up. That is how he had his brocoli this evening, cooked and cold. Yum! :) Sawyer might like this option over mashed food too.
Have a great Thanksgiving,

Anika Lacerte | The Handcrafted Story said...

Is that a picture of Sawyer crawling? (Or just up on all fours?)

Corinne said...

Sawyer can crawl! Not very far but a little more each day. . .

Anika Lacerte | The Handcrafted Story said...

Can you video tape him crawling? (and post it?) Wishing I could be there.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of Sawyer and I love that Chris Rice song! When you play a song on a blog does it become a blong?