Thursday, January 31, 2008

I still have more catch-up on Christmas to do but I am rarely on the computer...especially the computer that has all of the pictures on it because it is in Sawyer's for now I will have to stick with what I can do on the laptop (the boys are all sleeping...and I should be too so I'll try to make this brief). I came across this idea of posting a "Thursday Thirteen" list, I think that it can be 13 anything.....just a list of 13.....some examples I've found are: Thirteen search terms that led people to my blog, Thirteen body parts that have been altered, Thirteen common items that I have silly names for, Thirteen Things about the dog, Thirteen of my favorite photos.......I think it's a neat idea so here is my first go at.....Thirteen Body Parts that have been altered
This topic intrigued me....can I come up with 13???

1. My skull. When I was about 6 my brother tripped me and the resulting fall created a crack in my head that required stitches.
2. My gallbladder. It is now gone, that counts though, right? 'Cause it used to be where it was meant to be and now it is in a jar somewhere.
3. My fingernails.....I clip them, bite them, paint them, break them....
4. My nose. In grade 9 gym class I was slashed across the nose during floor hockey by another girl. My nose was cracked but not out of place. (From that class on I was made to wear an ump's mask if I wanted to participate in phys.ed., my teacher was weird).
5. My earlobes. Both sides have been pierced. Twice. ooooo, very hardcore, I know.
6. My uterus. I have had three boys. There is no way that it is the same anymore.
7. My nether-regions...see #6.
8. My hair. Although I can't afford to alter it as often as I would like, I does get cut and colored about once a year.
9. My ankles. Something in the Isaak (my maiden name for those of you who don't know) genes makes weak ankles and mine have been sprained or twisted more than their fair share.
10. My eyebrows. I get them threaded everytime I go back to Abbotsford, otherwise they are VERY bushy, you should all be glad that these get altered on a semi-frequent basis.
11. My boobs. They made them smaller...not bigger! (yay!)

This is getting tricky........hmmm.....

12. My hips. Again refer to #6.
13. My heart. This one is cheesey but I really want to have a nap and it's all that I could come up with. After having one baby you wonder how you could love any more, then along comes another and another and I've found my heart just keeps growing with them.....and it is a good thing that we took measures to make sure that no more will come along because otherwise I just might be begging Cory to get pregnant again, I'm sure that there's room in my hear for one or two more :)


Leanne said...

Fun (and funny) Thursday Thirteen! Have a great evening :)

The W's said...

Love this idea Corinne! The list idea I mean :) I must say you have had quite the happenings to your body! By the way, what is the difference between getting your eyebrows waxed or threaded?

Corinne said...

I'm not totally sure what the difference is between waxing and threading but as best I understand it is....with waxing wax is put on the hair you want to remove and some paper or something is put on top and then torn of, removing the hair. With treading they use a piece of thread, holding one end in their mouth and one end wound between their hands then somehow with head bobbing and hand moving (and some pain) you end up with these beautifully shaped eyebrows.

You should try it next time you go to Abbotsford. Arvi's on Clearbrook road....they are the best and it costs just under $7.

Just for interest sake here is what wikipedia says about it...Threading is an ancient method of hair removal which originated in parts of India, the Middle and Far East, and is now gaining popularity in Western countries. It is as popular with men in Arabic countries as it is with women, though they still shave the beard part of their face with a traditional safety or straight razor, doing their ears and eyebrows with thread. It is also popular in Persian culture, and is called Bande Abru ("Abru" means eyebrow, and "Band" is the thread). Threading the entire face is widely spread amongst Iranians, but it was originally practiced when a woman was getting married or during special occasions. In ancient Persia, threading was an indicator of a girl turning to adulthood, becoming a woman.

Thin, twisted cotton threads are rolled over untidy hairlines, moustaches and so on, plucking the offending hair.

Practitioners use a pure cotton thread. They generally twist the hair and threading pulls out a whole row of hair, as opposed to tweezing where only one single hair is pulled out. Threading is often preferred to tweezing because of the naturally straight lines of hair removed by the thread. It is pulled out from the follicle. Some women focus particularly on the area between the eyebrows, thus interrupting so-called "unibrows".

Like other methods of hair removal such as plucking or waxing, threading can result in skin irritation and ingrown hairs, however, hair re-growth becomes finer and more sparse after regular treatments. As the top layers of skin are not peeled or traumatized, threading is also recommended and an excellent option for those who have sensitive skin and who use Retin-A, Accutane, and similar products.