Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Isn't it funny???

Here I am in Whistler and I am thinking to myself.....

.....you get to go away (without kids), the hotel is amazing (Whistler Hilton), the weather is gorgeous (sunny, blue sky with a gentle snow falling), you are in the middle of one of your favorite settings (the mountains on the west coast), you got to spend several hours shopping (entering ANY store you wanted and staying as long as you wanted, without having to remind anyone to "just touch with your eyes" or that in between displays, while they may seem like good hiding places, actually aren't), you got to stay in bed past 7am after hanging out with your husband for the whole evening (going out to dinner -paid for by work- , watching a movie, hottubbing and other extra-curricular activities...), you just casually ate breakfast at a coffee shop (without having to tell any boys to try to stop jumping on the furniture) and yet you can't wait to drive back to them to be with them again. I LOVE you boys...and I'll see you soon! What beautiful, funny, tiring, energetic, creative, silly, competitive, fun-loving, boundary testing, generous, trusting, genuine, enthusiastic......blessings I have.

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