Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sawyer is 2 (27 months to be more exact). He's SO fun. "Sasr dude it" (Sawyer do it) is and extreeemly common phrase coming out of his mouth. He likes to try to dress himself, which, while being a great skill to master is much quicker when mommy helps. Other things we hear a lot of is the song "O Canada". He loves to play with playdough and do anything that the big boys are doing. He is soooo close to being completely toilet trained :) .... it's mostly nights and napping that we have to work on but we've had a great past few days. He really loves "pottys" and trying to use each and everyone that he can find. Tall or short, big whole or with a potty seat, inside or outside....yup, that's right, he even liked the outhouse at the beach we went to the other day. Silly boy.

He also is learning to "read" like his big brothers. He knows a few letters and will point them out all over the place ... "Look Mom. S for Sasr." "Look Mom. S for Tylr." (when he has spotted a T) "M for Mom. Look Mom, look Mom quick."

He also really enjoys doing anything in the kitchen. The other day I left some ingredients to make bran muffins on the counter but then went to do some laundry....I came back to the kitchen to find Sawyer with all the butter unwrapped and brown sugar scooped very neatly on top of them ;)

Anyways, here are some pictures that I've taken during the last few days. I think he's cute.

1 comment:

The Renegade Librarian said...

Umm, yeah. I'd say cute about covers it. ;)