Friday, January 29, 2010


Today my baby is three. I think that means that I no longer have a baby. It's been fun watching him learn and grow. He's in the 95-100% for 3 year old boys .... I think he's going to end up the tallest of our boys. He thinks his middle name is Batman (and doesn't like to be corrected). He is intense and doesn't do anything half heartedly. He loves to laugh and make others laugh. He loves hockey. He talks a lot and to me it's very clear (but apparently I'm wrong and he is kinda difficult to understand ;) ). We love you Sawyer and are so glad that God chose for you to be in our family!!

1 comment:

The Renegade Librarian said...

It's no secret that Sawyer totally slays me--hilarious! Happy birthday, Batman!