Thursday, February 15, 2007

I LOVE My Boys

People often ask me if I wish that I had a girl, or they say things like "I bet you were trying for a girl" or "So, are going to try for one more to see if you are successful this time?". Here is my answer for all of those questions, "NO! I love my boys and I think that we were pretty successful the last three attempts, can you see my three beautiful blessings?" I feel so blessed with these gifts that God has given us!


Bekah said...

Ha! We got the same comments when Malachi was born! I gave the same response you did. I was actually scared I would get a girl and not know what to do with her! Tony would have kept trying for a girl, but we decided together that Three kids was enough:) Who knows how many we could have ended up with...
Anyway, Having three boys is so great.

Anonymous said...

And we LOVE having 3 grandsons! The pictures are great!