Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nap Time

Just thought I'd let you know that we just completed our very first super-successful family nap time!!! (Well, Cory's in class. . . ) The boys and I each slept for at least 2 hours at the same time. We all plan on doing this trick several times every week.


Anika Lacerte | The Handcrafted Story said...

Sweet! Maybe you can develop a "sign" (as in sign language) for the boys - so they know when this simulaneous nap will happen?

BJDcyk said...

The boys and I did trick all the time. with them being so close together it's possible. I depended on this. Even if you don't sleep you can still get lots done. Start this early and keep it going, they won't know any different.

Keep up the good work!

Member of the 3 boys club!!