Sawyer is very enamoured with his hands. He can spend a lot of time examining every different angle of them.
I have added a link on the blogs that I read. The link is for Andrew, Marie and Josiah Haak. Andrew and I went to the same church as children and a couple of months ago my sister sent me the link for their blog. They have a baby just two weeks younger than Sawyer who hasn't left Children's Hospital since he was born. They have lots of prayer support but more can't hurt. . . I had the opportunity to meet Marie and Josiah while I was waiting for Sawyer's surgery to be finished. She really inspired me. Thanks for adding them to your prayers too!!!
Great pictures! Can't wait to see you all on Thursday.
So glad to hear that Sawyer is recovering well and that his sleeping is getting better. He looks like such a sweetheart in your pictures - the kind of baby you just want to squeeze and kiss!
So glad corinne. Truly an answer to prayer.
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