Thursday, November 01, 2007

Food For Thought

This morning on my google-reader it showed that a girl named Boothe had blogged. She is an amazing writer and a friend of my sister-in-law. Just six weeks ago she gave birth to her second baby girl, just 5 weeks ago she said good-bye to that very girl..... her blog from last night made me cry, and think and pray.... when you think of their precious little family maybe you could pray for them too.

Here is a little excerpt from today that really made me reflect on how I view God.

"When Copeland died, I remember smirking. This is the moment, this is the moment my baby daughter breathed her last, and still, You are nowhere to be seen. Surely You'd show up now! I don't know what I expected, but somehow it felt like a let-down, or a betrayal, or a joke. And yet - that moment was holy. How can God be so there and yet so absent? How can we feel Him moving and yet feel so alone?

Thus is the conflict of faith. I find that much of my life is defined by conflict at this point. The battles that wage between the parts of my heart that believe and disbelieve, cry and laugh, walk forward and stand still. It's a remarkably exhausting place to be. This is why I chose to say that these are the words of a girl struggling to "know the God she loves." How you can love someone without really knowing them, fully, is unbeknownst to me. How you can trust someone without having had every hope and desire fulfilled is another mystery. Is it possible - or even okay? - to love someone and not like them that much? Is it all right to decide you aren't sure you want to spend a lot of time with them for a while? But yet you'd like to know they're still around, still available, for when you do? Is it even fair? "


Anonymous said...

Words are funny things. Sometimes they are blah, blah, blah, but sometimes they are powerful. What a gift to put thoughts and feeling into words that we can all identify with. Thanks for sharing that blog, Corinne.

Bunny said...

Yup! I couldn't have said it better. We all have our struggles at times and wonder where God is, yet knowing full well that He is there and is GOOD. Through our journey of infertility, God has been ever present, even when I'm angry and confused, I KNOW HE is there and that HE is in control. It's a relief sometimes to KNOW that I don't need to worry about it, that God has it in HIS hands and I can sit back a wait.
Blessings dear friend. Thank you for your words of encouragement.