Thursday, January 10, 2008


I've been tagged by Lorrie.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

Seven Random/Weird Facts About Me:

1. My older 2 boys had been getting up between 5:45am or 6:30am (especially Riley who would then wake Tyler)..... this was really too early so I bought them an alarm clock and implemented a new rule: You cannot get up until 7am! This worked and helped my sanity but on the holidays this Christmas I came up with a genius plan ..... every night before I go to bed, I set their clock back 30 minutes. This means that 7am in their room is 7:30am in the real world ...... glorious!
2. I like to arrange the
CDs in Starbucks stores so that the same artists are beside each other. It looks much better this way!
3. I LOVE being pregnant and even like labor and delivery ...... I would really like to be
there when someone else is having a baby too.
4. I have always wanted to adopt a baby that has down syndrome ..... maybe someday that dream will come true ?!?!?
5. My favorite "tag" post that I've ever read was Tim's.
6. I love finding good deals. I love buying things used. I am trying to buy everything used, except for food, I buy that new.
7. I am a west coast girl through and through.....I even like the rain. I am happiest in temperatures from about 15*C-20*C.

Well, that's 7, now it's time to play with my boys.....I sure have a good job ;)

I Tag:



Heidi said...

LOL!! Tim will be so so proud!

Heather D. said...

You probably don't know me, I'm Carmen J.'s sister and believe it or not I babysat your husband and his siblings a few times waaaaaaay back when...

Anyways, I read your blog regularly, I'm also a mother of boys and I identify with so much of what you say - I got a chuckle out of your clock story, setting it so they wake up later than they think they are...we've done that a number of times and it sure makes me feel clever too!

Your boys are adorable and your family looks so happy. Hope you don't mind me reading!


Anonymous said...

Corinne, I wrote my 7 random facts in response to your tag. They are on our blog.

I like your facts.