Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Where To Start??

It seems like sooo long ago that we left for "holidays". I use quotations here because while we were away from normal routine and there were many more people around that loved my kids, I came home and feel exhausted. It has taken me a couple of days to recover from being gone for three and a half weeks and begin to feel more "normal". (A normal tired that is. It seems like that is just simply part of who I am right now. Being a mom is what I've always wanted and it is living up to my dreams but that doesn't make it any less exhausting. Corinne Tired Bargen. That is me. And I love it.)
The trip included 6 family gatherings, a wedding shower, a stag, a stagette, a wedding rehersal and rehersal dinner and my brother's wedding. We also got to catch up with friends in Winnipeg and even more in Abbotsford!!!! FULL days. Full of blessing after blessing.......

We began with fun in Abbotsford. We got to hang out with my family, all of us together, doesn't happen very often and was great! (but I don't have any pictures, opps:) ) Here Papa (my Dad) and Ty are constructing their gingerbread house.Then we left to go to Winnipeg. We had fun waiting in the Abbotsford airport.

Grandma and Grandpa didn't wait until Christmas day to give Ty and Riley their gift of ice skates and here is their first time skating (outside at Bronx Park). For those of you who don't know, the Bargen Brothers are going to play on the Can*ucks team when they grow up ;)
Break time with Auntie Tiffany

Skating is hard work!
It's easier if you let the adults carry you :)

More holiday updates to come....


The W's said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. How fun that you were able to see all your family and friends too! Great pics of the boys skating.
I love that you are living out your dream of being a Mom!! What a great dream.

Anika Lacerte | The Handcrafted Story said...

I didn't know you went skating outside - it looks so smooth! I remember skating on a pond/flooded field behind Darcy and Donalee's house. It was quite rough ice.

I can only imagine how tired you are. Is Tyler and Riley's clock set to a "special" time? That makes me laugh. I hope they don't figure it out too soon.

Rachel said...

I know that park. It's right down the street from my oma and opa's ... and a single bus ride away from my aunts. I took my cousins to the wading pool there EVERY week last summer.

Small world.